The direct path to
a world-class website
Solidpixels is the fastest way to create a website on par with
global brands. Just as gorgeous and equally functional.

Start with a website concept
Forget templates. Concept is a combination of design, function and content.
It's the best starting point and it's fully editable.
Apartment – Travel
Hotels - Wellness
Hotels - Travel - Premium concept
The Log
Hotels - Travel
Hotels - Travel - Premium concept
Wireframe — Prototyping
For the best results, we
work together.
For 15 years we have created websites for global brands. We now put our best practices and knowledge into solidpixels. So that everyone can achieve the best right now.
Principles and solutions
What do you want
to achieve on the website?
solidpixels online
Thousands of companies and over ten thousand users rely on solidpixels
2 180
Company websites running on solidpixels
12 923
People using solidpixels
Voice of the clients.

During the creation process, we dealt with the essential things very efficiently and quickly, and we swept any ambiguities from the table faster than they actually appeared.

We were excited about the solidpixels solution from the first meeting. We simply create content and manage the website from our own resources.

Fast communication, huge effort to meet us in the middle and always a friendly approach - we appreciate it lot.

"Best way to run leadgen website"